"No hay porvenir sin Marx. Sin la memoria y sin la herencia de Marx: en todo caso de un cierto Marx: de su genio, de al menos uno de sus espíritus. Pues ésta será nuestra hipótesis o más bien nuestra toma de partido: hay más de uno, debe haber más de uno." — Jacques Derrida

"Los hombres hacen su propia historia, pero no la hacen a su libre arbitrio, bajo circunstancias elegidas por ellos mismos, sino bajo aquellas circunstancias con que se encuentran directamente, que existen y les han sido legadas por el pasado. La tradición de todas las generaciones muertas oprime como una pesadilla el cerebro de los vivos. Y cuando éstos aparentan dedicarse precisamente a transformarse y a transformar las cosas, a crear algo nunca visto, en estas épocas de crisis revolucionaria es precisamente cuando conjuran temerosos en su auxilio los espíritus del pasado, toman prestados sus nombres, sus consignas de guerra, su ropaje, para, con este disfraz de vejez venerable y este lenguaje prestado, representar la nueva escena de la historia universal" Karl Marx


The Return of Engels

Friedrich Engels
✆ Foto Edward Gooch
On the occasion of his birthday, let’s celebrate the incredible contributions of Marx collaborator Friedrich Engels

John Bellamy Foster

Few political and intellectual partnerships can rival that of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. They not only famously coauthored The Communist Manifesto in 1848, both taking part in the social revolutions of that year, but also two earlier works — The Holy Family in 1845 and The German Ideology in 1846. In the late 1870s, when the two scientific socialists were finally able to live in close proximity and to confer with each other every day, they would often pace up and down in Marx’s study, each on their own side of the room, boring grooves in the floor as they turned on their heels, while discussing their various ideas, plans, and projects.
They frequently read to each other passages from their works in progress. Engels read the entire manuscript of his Anti-Dühring (to which Marx contributed a chapter) to Marx before its publication. Marx wrote an introduction to Engels’s Socialism: Utopian and Scientific. After Marx’s death in 1883, Engels prepared volumes two and three of Capital for publication from the drafts his friend had left behind. If Engels, as he was the first to admit, stood in Marx’s shadow, he was nevertheless an intellectual and political giant in his own right.

Yet for decades academics have suggested that Engels downgraded and distorted Marx’s thought. As political scientist John L. Stanley critically observed in his posthumous Mainlining Marx in 2002, attempts to separate Marx from Engels — beyond the obvious fact that they were two different individuals with differing interests and talents — have more and more taken the form of disassociating Engels, viewed as the source of all that is reprehensible in Marxism, from Marx, viewed as the epitome of the civilized man of letters, and not himself a Marxist.

Almost forty-two years ago, on December 12, 1974, I attended a lecture by David McLellan on “Karl Marx: The Vicissitudes of a Reputation,” at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. The year before McLellan had published Karl Marx: His Life and Thought, which I had studied closely. But McLellan’s message that day, in a nutshell, was that Karl Marx was not Frederich Engels. To discover the authentic Marx, it was necessary to separate Marx’s wheat from Engels’s chaff. It was Engels, McLellan contended, who had introduced positivism into Marxism, pointing to the Second and Third Internationals, and eventually to Stalinism. A few years later, McLellan was to put some of these criticisms into his short biography, Friedrich Engels.

This was my first introduction to the anti-Engels outlook that emerged as a defining characteristic of the Western academic left, and which was closely connected to the rise of “Western Marxism” as a distinct philosophical tradition — in opposition to what was sometimes called official or Soviet Marxism. Western Marxism, in this sense, had as its principal axiom the rejection of Engels’s dialectics of nature, or “merely objective dialectics,” as Georg Lukács called it.

For most Western Marxists the dialectic was an identical-subject object relation: we could understand the world to the extent to which we had made it. Such a critical view constituted a welcome rejection of the crude positivism that had infected much of Marxism, and that had been rationalized in official Soviet ideology. Yet it also had the effect of pushing Marxism in a more idealist direction, leading to the abandonment of the long tradition of seeing historical materialism as related not just to the humanities and social science — and of course politics — but also to materialist natural science.

Disparaging Engels became a popular pastime among left academics, with some figures, like political theorist Terrell Carver, constructing whole careers on this basis. One common maneuver was to use Engels as the device for extracting Marx from Marxism. As Carver wrote in 1984: “Karl Marx denied that he was a Marxist. Friedrich Engels repeated Marx’s comment but failed to take his point. Indeed, it is now evident that Engels was the first Marxist, and it is increasingly accepted that he in some way invented Marxism.” For Carver, Engels not only committed the cardinal sin of inventing Marxism, but also committed numerous other sins, such as promoting quasi-Hegelianism, materialism, positivism, and dialectics — all of which were said to be “miles away from Marx’s painstaking eclecticism.”

The very idea that Marx had “a methodology” was attributed to Engels, and hence declared false. Removed from his association with Engels and stripped of all determinate content, Marx was easily made acceptable to the status quo, as a kind of intellectual forerunner. As Carver recently put it, with no apparent sense of irony, “Marx was a liberal thinker.”

But most criticisms of Engels have been directed at his alleged scientism in Anti-Dühring and his unfinished Dialectics of Nature. McLellan in his Engels biography stated that the latter’s interest in natural science “made him emphasize a materialist conception of nature rather than of history.” He was accused of bringing “the concept of matter” into Marxism, which was “entirely foreign to Marx’s work.” His main mistake was in attempting to develop an objective dialectics that abandoned “the subjective side of the dialectic,” and that led to “the gradual assimilation of Marx’s views to a scientific world outlook.”

“It is not surprising,” McLellan charged, “that, with the consolidation of the Soviet regime, the vulgarizations of Engels should have become the main philosophical content of Soviet textbooks.” Just as Marx was increasingly presented as the refined intellectual, Engels was seen more and more as the coarse popularizer. Engels has thus served in the academic discourse on Marxism as a convenient whipping boy.

Yet Engels had his admirers, as well. The first real sign of a reversal in his fading fortunes within contemporary Marxist theory arose with historian E. P. Thompson’s The Poverty of Theory in 1978, which was primarily directed against the structuralist Marxism of Louis Althusser. Here Thompson defended historical materialism against an abstract and hypostatized theory divorced from any historical subject and from all empirical reference points. In the process, he valiantly — and in what I have always seen as one of the high points in late twentieth-century English letters — stood up for that “old duffer Frederick Engels,” who had been the target of so much of Althusser’s criticism.

On this basis, Thompson made a case for a kind of dialectical empiricism — what he admired most in Engels — as essential to a historical-materialist analysis. A few years later, Marxian economist Paul Sweezy’s Four Lectures on Marxism began by boldly reasserting the importance of Engels’s approach to dialectics and his critique of mechanistic and reductionist views.

But the real shift that was to restore Engels’s reputation as a major classical Marxist theorist alongside Marx was to emanate not from historians and political economists, but from natural scientists. In 1975 Stephen Jay Gould, writing in Natural History, openly celebrated Engels’s theory of human evolution, which had emphasized the role of labor, describing it as the most advanced conception of human evolutionary development in the Victorian age — one which had anticipated the anthropological discovery in the twentieth century of Australopithecus africanus.

A few years later, in 1983, Gould extended his argument in the New York Review of Bookspointing out that all theories of human evolution were theories of “gene-culture coevolution,” and that “the best nineteenth-century case for gene-culture coevolution was made by Friedrich Engels in his remarkable essay of 1876 (posthumously published in The Dialectics of Nature), ‘The part played by labor in the transition from ape to man.’”

That same year, medical sociologist and MD Howard Waitzkin devoted much of his landmark The Second Sickness to Engels’s pioneering role as a social epidemiologist, showing how the twenty-four-year-old Engels, while writing The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844, had explored the etiology of disease in ways that prefigured later discoveries within public health. Two years after this, in 1985, Richard Lewontin and Richard Levins came out with their now classic The Dialectical Biologist, with its pointed dedication: “To Frederick Engels, who got it wrong a lot of the time but who got it right where it counted.”

The 1980s were to see the birth of an ecosocialist tradition within Marxism. In first-stage ecosocialism, represented by the pioneering work of Ted Benton, Marx and Engels were criticized for not having taken Malthusian natural limits seriously enough. However by the late 1990s the debates that ensued had given rise to a second-stage ecosocialism, beginning with Paul Burkett’s Marx and Nature in 1999, which sought to explore the materialist and ecological elements to be found within the classical foundations of historical materialism itself.

These efforts focused initially on Marx, but also took into account Engels’s ecological contributions. This was reinforced by the new MEGA (Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe) project, in which Marx and Engels’s natural-scientific notebooks began to be published for the first time. The result has been a revolution in the understanding of the classical Marxian tradition, much of it resonating with a new, radical ecological praxis evolving out of today’s epochal crisis (both economic and ecological).

The growing recognition of Engels’s contributions to science along with the rise of ecological Marxism have sparked a renewed interest in Engels’s Dialectics of Nature and his other writings related to natural science. Much of my own research since 2000 has focused on the relation of Engels — and others influenced by him — to the formation of an ecological dialectic. Nor am I alone in this respect. Political economist and ecological Marxist Elmar Altvater recently published a book in German addressing Engels’s Dialectics of Nature.

The case for the indispensability of Engels for the critique of capitalism in our time is rooted in his famous thesis in Anti-Dühring that “Nature is the proof of dialectics.” This was often derided within Western Marxist philosophy. Nevertheless, Engels’s thesis, reflecting his own deep dialectical and ecological analysis, would have to be rendered in today’s parlance: Ecology is the proof of dialectics — a proposition the significance of which few would now be prepared to deny. Viewed in this way, it is easy to see why Engels has assumed such an important place in contemporary ecosocialist discussions. Works in ecological Marxism commonly quote as leitmotif his famous words of warning in The Dialectics of Nature:
Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature. For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us. Each victory, it is true, in the first place brings about the results we expected, but in the second and third places it has quite different, unforeseen effects which only too often cancel out the first . . . Thus at every step we are reminded that we by no means rule over nature like a conqueror over a foreign people, like someone standing outside nature — but that we, with flesh, blood, and brain, belong to nature, and exist in its midst, and that all our mastery of it consists in the fact that we have the advantage over all other creatures of being able to learn its laws and apply them correctly.
For Engels, as for Marx, the key to socialism was the rational regulation of the metabolism of humanity and nature, in such a way as to promote the fullest possible human potential, while safeguarding the needs of future generations. No wonder, then, that we are seeing, in the twenty-first century, the return of Engels, who, along with Marx, continues to inform the struggles and inspire the hopes that define our own crisis-ridden, and necessarily revolutionary time.

◆ El que busca, encuentra...

Todo lo sólido se desvanece en el aire; todo lo sagrado es profano, y los hombres, al fin, se ven forzados a considerar serenamente sus condiciones de existencia y sus relaciones recíprocasKarl Marx

Not@s sobre Marx, marxismo, socialismo y la Revolución 2.0

— Notas notables
Cecilia Feijoo: Apuntes sobre el Concepto de Revolución Burguesa en Karl Marx — Red Diario Digital
Moishe Postone: Il compito della teoria critica oggi: Ripensare la critica del capitalismo e dei suoi futuri — Blackblog Franco Senia
Pierre-Yves Quiviger: Marx ou l'élimination des inégalités par la révolution — Le Point
Hernán Ouviña: Indigenizar el marxismo — La Tinta
Emmanuel Laurentin: Les historiens américains et Karl Marx — France Culture
Adèle Van Reeth: Le Capital de Karl Marx: La fabrique de la plus-value — France Culture
Manuel Martínez Llaneza: Reproches a Marx acerca de El Capital (Bajo la égida de Friedrich Engels) — Rebelión
Victoria Herrera: Marx y la historia — Buzos
Alejandro F. Gutiérrez Carmona: La vigencia del pensamiento marxista — Alianza Tex
Víctor Arrogante: El Capital y las aspiraciones de la clase trabajadora — Nueva Tribuna
Mauricio Mejía: Karl Marx, el poeta de la mercancía — El Financiero
Emmanuel Laurentin: Karl Marx à Paris: 1843-1845 — France Culture
Jacinto Valdés-Dapena Vivanco: La teoría marxista del Che Guevara — Bohemia
Aldo Casas: El marxismo como herramienta para la lucha — La necesidad de la formación en la militancia — La Tinta
Evald Vasiliévich Iliénkov: La dialéctica de lo abstracto y lo concreto en El Capital de Marx — Templando el Acero
Vincent Présumey: Suivi des écrits de Karl Marx / 1837-1848 - Part I, Part II, Part III & Part IV — Mediapart
Roman Rosdolky: Marx ésotérique et Marx exotérique — Palim Psao
Lepotier: Marx, Marxisme, Cui bono? — Bella Ciao
Andrea Vitale: La critica di Pareto a Marx: una abborracciatura — Operai e Teoria
Annelie Buntenbach: Marx provides us with a glimpse behind the scenes of capitalism — Marx 200
Antoni Puig Solé: La Ley del Valor y la ecología en Marx — Lo que somos
Vladimiro Giacché: Note sui significati di "Libertà" nei Lineamenti di Filosofia del Diritto di Hegel — Il Comunista
Salvador López Arnal: Manuel Sacristán (1925-1985) como renovador de las tradiciones emancipatorias — Rebelión
Paúl Ravelo Cabrera: Marx, Derrida, el Gesto Político y la supercapitalización mundial — Scribb
Dino Greco: In difesa del marxismo — Sollevazione
Alberto Quiñónez: Arte, praxis y materialismo histórico — Rebelión
Josefina L. Martínez: Feminismo & Socialismo marxista - Eleanor Marx, la cuestión de la mujer y el socialismo — Rebelión
John Bellamy Foster: Marx y la fractura en el metabolismo universal de la naturaleza — Scribb
José Manuel Bermudo Ávila: Concepto de Praxis en el joven Marx — Scribb
Carlos Oliva Mendoza: Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez: ¿marxismo radical o crítica romántica? — InfoLibre
Bernardo Coronel: ¿El marxismo es una ciencia? — La Haine
Sylvain Rakotoarison: Le capitalisme selon Karl Marx — Agora Vox

— Notas y comentarios sobre El Capital
António Ferraz: Os 150 anos do livro ‘O Capital’, de Karl Marx — Correio do Minho
Horacio Tarcus: Traductores y editores de la “Biblia del Proletariado” - Parte I & Parte II — Memoria
Emmanuel Laurentin: Le Capital, toujours utile pour penser la question économique et sociale? — France Culture
J.M. González Lara: 150 años de El Capital — Vanguardia
Roberto Giardina: Il Capitale di Marx ha 150 anni — Italia Oggi
Alejandro Cifuentes: El Capital de Marx en el siglo XXI — Voz
Marcela Gutiérrez Bobadilla: El Capital, de Karl Marx, celebra 150 años de su edición en Londres — Notimex
Mario Robles Roberto Escorcia Romo: Algunas reflexiones sobre la vigencia e importancia del Tomo I de El Capital — Memoria
Antoni Puig Solé: El Capital de Marx celebra su 150° aniversario — Lo que Somos
Jorge Vilches: El Capital: el libro de nunca acabar — La Razón
Carla de Mello: A 150 años de El Capital, la monumental obra de Karl Marx — Juventud Socialista del Uruguay
Rodolfo Bueno: El Capital cumple 150 años — Rebelión
Diego Guerrero: El Capital de Marx y el capitalismo actual: 150 años más cerca — Público
José Sarrión Andaluz & Salvador López Arnal: Primera edición de El Capital de Karl Marx, la obra de una vida — Rebelión
Sebastián Zarricueta: El Capital de Karl Marx: 150 años — 80°
Marcello Musto: La durezza del 'Capitale' — Il Manifesto
Esteban Mercatante: El valor de El Capital de Karl Marx en el siglo XXI — Izquierda Diario
Michael Roberts: La desigualdad a 150 años de El Capital de Karl Marx — Izquierda Diario
Ricardo Bada: El Capital en sus 150 años — Nexos
Christoph Driessen: ¿Tenía Marx razón? Se cumplen 150 años de edición de El Capital — El Mundo
Juan Losa: La profecía de Marx cumple 150 años — Público
John Saldarriaga: El Capital, 150 años en el estante — El Colombiano
Katia Schaer: Il y a 150 ans, Karl Marx publiait ‘Le Capital’, écrit majeur du 20e siècle — RTS Culture
Manuel Bello Hernández: El Capital de Karl Marx, cumple 150 años de su primera edición — NotiMex
Ismaël Dupont: Marx et Engels: les vies extravagantes et chagrines des deux théoriciens du communisme! — Le Chiffon Rouge
Jérôme Skalski: Lire Le Capital, un appel au possible du XXIe siècle - L’Humanité
Sebastiano Isaia: Il Capitale secondo Vilfredo Pareto — Nostromo

— Notas y reportajes de actualidad
Román Casado: Marx, Engels, Beatles, ese es el ritmo de Vltava — Radio Praga
María Gómez De Montis: El Manifiesto Comunista nació en la Grand Place — Erasmus en Flandes
Enrique Semo: 1991: ¿Por qué se derrumbó la URSS? — Memoria
Michel Husson: Marx, un économiste du XIXe siècle? A propos de la biographie de Jonathan Sperber — A L’Encontre
César Rendueles: Todos los Marx que hay en Marx — El País
Alice Pairo: Karl Marx, Dubaï et House of cards: la Session de rattrapage — France Culture
Sebastián Raza: Marxismo cultural: una teoría conspirativa de la derecha — La República
Samuel Jaramillo: De nuevo Marx, pero un Marx Nuevo — Universidad Externado de Colombia
Sergio Abraham Méndez Moissen: Karl Marx: El capítulo XXIV de El Capital y el “descubrimiento” de América — La Izquierda Diario
Joseph Daher: El marxismo, la primavera árabe y el fundamentalismo islámico — Viento Sur
Francisco Jaime: Marxismo: ¿salvación a través de la revolución? — El Siglo de Torreón
Michel Husson: Marx, Piketty et Aghion sur la productivité — A l’encontre
Guido Fernández Parmo: El día que Marx vio The Matrix — Unión de Trabajadores de Prensa de Buenos Aires
Cest: Karl Marx y sus "Cuadernos de París" toman vida con ilustraciones de Maguma — El Periódico
Leopoldo Moscoso: 'Das Kapital': reloading... — Público
Laura "Xiwe" Santillan: La lucha mapuche, la autodeterminación y el marxismo — La Izquierda Diario
José de María Romero Barea: Hölderlin ha leído a Marx y no lo olvida — Revista de Letras
Ismaël Dupont: Marx et Engels: les vies extravagantes et chagrines des deux théoriciens du communisme! — Le Chiffon Rouge Morlai
Francisco Cabrillo: Cómo Marx cambió el curso de la historia — Expansión
El “Dragón Rojo”, en Manchester: Cierran el histórico pub donde Marx y Engels charlaban "entre copa y copa" — BigNews Tonight
Marc Sala: El capitalismo se come al bar donde Marx y Engels debatían sobre comunismo — El Español

— Notas sobre debates, entrevistas y eventos
Fabrizio Mejía Madrid: Conmemoran aniversario de la muerte de Lenin en Rusia — Proceso
Segundo Congreso Mundial sobre Marxismo tendrá lugar en Beijing — Xinhua
Debate entre Andrew Kliman & Fred Moseley — Tiempos Críticos
David McNally & Sue Ferguson: “Social Reproduction Beyond Intersectionality: An Interview” — Marxismo Crítico
Gustavo Hernández Sánchez: “Edward Palmer Thompson es un autor que sí supo dar un giro copernicano a los estudios marxistas” — Rebelión
Alberto Maldonado: Michael Heinrich en Bogotá: El Capital de Marx es el misil más terrible lanzado contra la burguesía — Palabras al Margen
Leonardo Cazes: En memoria de Itsván Mészáros — Rebelión (Publicada en O Globo)
Entrevista con István Mészáros realizada por la revista persa Naghd’ (Kritik), el 02-06-1998: “Para ir Más allá del Capital” — Marxismo Crítico
Rosa Nassif: “El Che no fue solo un hombre de acción sino un gran teórico marxista” Agencia de Informaciones Mercosur AIM
Entrevista a Juan Geymonat: Por un marxismo sin citas a Marx — Hemisferio Izquierdo
Juliana Gonçalves: "El Capital no es una biblia ni un libro de recetas", dice José Paulo Netto [Português ] — Brasil de Fato
Entrevista a Michael Heinrich: El Capital: una obra colosal “para desenmascarar un sistema completo de falsas percepciones” — Viento Sur
Alejandro Katz & Mariano Schuster: Marx ha vuelto: 150 años de El Capital. Entrevista a Horacio Tarcus — La Vanguardia
Salvador López Arnal: Entrevista a Gustavo Hernández Sánchez sobre "La tradición marxista y la encrucijada postmoderna" — Rebelión
Jorge L. Acanda: "Hace falta una lectura de Marx que hunda raíces en las fuentes originarias del pensamiento de Marx" — La Linea de Fuego

— Notas sobre Lenin y la Revolución de Octubre
Guillermo Almeyra: Qué fue la Revolución Rusa — La Jornada
Jorge Figueroa: Dos revoluciones que cambiaron el mundo y el arte — La Gaceta
Gilberto López y Rivas: La revolución socialista de 1917 y la cuestión nacional y colonial — La Jornada
Aldo Agosti: Repensar la Revolución Rusa — Memoria
Toni Negri: Lenin: Dalla teoria alla pratica — Euronomade
Entretien avec Tariq Ali: L’héritage de Vladimir Lénine — Contretemps
Andrea Catone: La Rivoluzione d’Ottobre e il Movimento Socialista Mondiale in una prospettiva storica — Marx XXI
Michael Löwy: De la Revolución de Octubre al Ecocomunismo del Siglo XXI — Herramienta
Serge Halimi: Il secolo di Lenin — Rifondazione Comunista
Víctor Arrogante: La Gran Revolución de octubre — El Plural
Luis Bilbao: El mundo a un siglo de la Revolución de Octubre — Rebelión
Samir Amin: La Revolución de Octubre cien años después — El Viejo Topo
Luis Fernando Valdés-López: Revolución rusa, 100 años después — Portaluz
Ester Kandel: El centenario de la Revolución de octubre — Kaos en la Red
Daniel Gaido: Come fare la rivoluzione senza prendere il potere...a luglio — PalermoGrad
Eugenio del Río: Repensando la experiencia soviética — Ctxt
Pablo Stancanelli: Presentación el Atlas de la Revolución rusa - Pan, paz, tierra... libertad — Le Monde Diplomatique
Gabriel Quirici: La Revolución Rusa desafió a la izquierda, al marxismo y al capitalismo [Audio] — Del Sol

— Notas sobre la película “El joven Karl Marx”, del cineasta haitiano Raoul Peck
Eduardo Mackenzie:"Le jeune Karl Marx ", le film le plus récent du réalisateur Raoul Peck vient de sortir en France — Dreuz
Minou Petrovski: Pourquoi Raoul Peck, cinéaste haïtien, s’intéresse-t-il à la jeunesse de Karl Marx en 2017? — HuffPost
Antônio Lima Jûnior: [Resenha] O jovem Karl Marx – Raoul Peck (2017) — Fundaçâo Dinarco Reis
La película "El joven Karl Marx" llegará a los cines en el 2017 — Amistad Hispano-Soviética
Boris Lefebvre: "Le jeune Karl Marx": de la rencontre avec Engels au Manifeste — Révolution Pernamente

— Notas sobre el maestro István Mészáros, recientemente fallecido
Matteo Bifone: Oltre Il Capitale. Verso una teoria della transizione, a cura di R. Mapelli — Materialismo Storico
Gabriel Vargas Lozano, Hillel Ticktin: István Mészáros: pensar la alienación y la crisis del capitalismo — SinPermiso
Carmen Bohórquez: István Mészáros, ahora y siempre — Red 58
István Mészáros: Reflexiones sobre la Nueva Internacional — Rebelión
Ricardo Antunes: Sobre "Más allá del capital", de István Mészáros — Herramienta
Francisco Farina: Hasta la Victoria: István Mészáros — Marcha
István Mészáros in memoriam : Capitalism and Ecological Destruction — Climate & Capitalism.us